Saturday, April 14, 2007

Here I am!!

Here I am, I am finally in blog land!
I hope to post regularly with what is going in my world.
Hopefully lots of creative stuff.
If I can work out how to post photo's, there will be heaps of those too.
I am off to my mums today. Will be a bit of a sad day as my grandmother died last week. Mum as a few sentimental things to give me to remember nan.



Sarah said...

Hey Kristy!! Now we want to see regular post's lol!! Sorry to hear about your Nan, I hope you plant the roses somewhere special in your garden.
Luv Sarah xx

De said...

Hi Kristy! Good to see you in blog land!

Sorry about your Nan but remember the joy she found in life.

Roseanne said...

so sad to hear about your nan .I am so please u have a blog to now Kristy .U are a blobber to so bring on the photos lol.